Membership Agreement

Be sure to read this usage agreement before use.

When you use the Twice Official Fan Club “Once Japan,” you agree to the contents of the terms of use and agree to comply with them.

Article 1 (Purpose) The Twice Official Fan Club “Once Japan” (hereinafter “This Club”) was formed for members living in Japan who support the artist we manage, Twice, and the purpose is to support Twice.
Article 2 (Membership Agreement)
  • 1. The Membership Agreement (hereinafter “This Agreement”) shall be applied in all cases in which members (defined in Article 4) use the services of this club, and members who join the club will be considered to have accepted the contents of this agreement.
  • 2. The notices to members of this club defined in Article 3 and terms of service for other services not covered by this agreement (hereinafter, collectively “Terms of service, etc.”) will be considered part of this agreement, regardless of the name.
  • 3. When there is a discrepancy between the text of this agreement and that of the terms of service, etc., the text of the terms of service, etc. shall have precedence.
Article 3 (Notifications to Members) This club will notify members of necessary information from time to time through post or email sent from this club, by displaying a notice on the website operated by this club, or by other means judged to be appropriate by the club.
Article 4 (Members) According to this agreement, members are those individuals who acknowledge this agreement based on procedures specified by this club, apply for membership in the prescribed manner, are acknowledged by this club, and pay membership fees as described in Article 8 of this agreement. When the membership applicant is a minor, prior approval of the parent or guardian is required.
Article 5 (Approval of Membership)
  • 1. If any of the following are judged to apply to an applicant for membership, the applicant’s membership may not be approved.
    1-1. If the applicant has previously (including the time of application) had their application for membership rejected or their membership revoked due to violations of this agreement, etc.
    1-2. If the contents of the applicant’s application include false, mistaken, or missing information.
    If the applicant is not an individual but a corporation.
    1-3. If the applicant is already a registered member.
    1-4. If the applicant lives outside of Japan and doesn’t have a delivery address within Japan.
    1-5. Other cases where the applicant is judged to be unsuited for this club.
  • 2. Even if the applicant’s membership is approved, we reserve the right to revoke the applicant’s membership if any of the above are found to apply.
Article 6 (Revocation of Membership)
  • 1. We reserve the right to revoke the membership of any member to which the following apply.
    1-1. If the member commits any of the prohibited acts prescribed in Article 11 of this agreement.
    1-2. If the member does not pay the fees prescribed in Article 8 of this agreement.
    1-3. If the member is otherwise in violation of this agreement.
    1-4. If membership revocation is judged appropriate for reasons other than the above 3.
  • 2. Regardless of the reason, members who have had their membership revoked will not receive a refund of the club membership dues already paid. Furthermore, members absolutely cannot exercise the right to claim damages.
Article 7 (Member Benefits)
  • 1. The following are benefits that can be claimed by members of this club.
    1-1. Provision of new member benefits
    1-2. Provision of members-only website content
    1-3. Sales of original goods limited to members only
    1-4. Advanced ticket reservations
    1-5. Other benefits prescribed by the club
  • 2. We are not responsible for inconveniences such as the loss of some benefits or other declines in service and the late delivery of information to members who cannot use a computer or the Internet.
  • 3. Information on advanced ticket reservations will be announced when the date of advanced reservation has been confirmed. Due to the need to prepare for advanced ticket reservations, there may be times when members may not be able to use it based on the timing of their admission to the club.
  • 4. Members-only concerts will be held based on the artist’s schedule, so they may not be held on a regular basis.
Article 8 (Membership Dues, etc.)
  • 1. Members must pay the following prescribed membership dues (hereinafter, “membership dues, etc.”) upon joining the club and at the expiration of each membership period.
    Admission Fee: 880 JPY (after-tax)
    Annual Dues: 5,280 JPY (after-tax)
  • 2. Payment methods for the above membership dues are prescribed separately.
  • 3. In addition to information fees, separate communication charges may be charged for using this service. If you use packet service to access our site, additional communication charges for sending and receiving data will apply.
  • 4. If you do not pay the necessary information fees for our service, or if you are otherwise in violation of this agreement, we reserve the right to terminate your service without notice.
Article 9 (Continuation)
  • 1. The membership expiration date (hereinafter, “Expiration Date”) will be 1 year from the date of admission (the first of the month in which membership dues were first received.)
  • 2. Members who wish to continue their membership must pay the next year's membership dues by the prescribed method before the membership expiration date. When payment has been confirmed, the expiration date will be extended 1 year.
  • 3. Even if the membership expiration date has passed, if you pay the next year's membership dues before 1 month has passed from the date of expiration, you can continue your membership for 1 year from the membership expiration date. Pleas note that if more than 1 month has passed from the membership expiration date, you must apply to join the club as a new member.
  • 4. In the preceding case, any printed matter sent by post to members after the membership expiration date and before confirming payment of the next year's membership dues will not be resent.
Article 10 (Duties, etc. of Members)
  • 1. Members are responsible for managing the membership card sent by our company, as well as their member number and password. We are not responsible for any damages incurred through insufficient management, misuse, allowing use by third parties, etc.
  • 2. Members must not lend or give their membership card, member number, or password to third parties or change the registered name, etc.
  • 3. When you wish to change the information that you submitted at the time of joining the club, such as your name, address, phone number, etc., you must contact us swiftly by the designated method in order to make changes, send them by mail.
  • 4. If you fail to notify us as prescribed in the preceding section, and notices etc. do not reach you, we are not responsible.
Article 11 (Prohibited Items)

Members are prohibited from doing the following while using this club.

  • 1. Sell or transfer membership, change the registered name or share a membership, or license its use to third parties
  • 2. Register under a false name or make a fake or duplicate registration
  • 3. Duplicate, sell, publish, or broadcast any data, information, text, sound, video, illustrations, etc. obtained through this club beyond the limits of personal use defined in copyright law.
  • 4. Infringe on the property, privacy, and portrait rights of the artist and other third parties or commit acts that run the risk of doing so.
  • 5. Slander the artist or other third parties, or damage their reputation or credibility, or anything that causes a risk of doing so.
  • 6. Sell, assign, lend, or change the name of advanced ticket reservation rights, tickets, merchandise, or other rights that were obtained as a benefit of membership to third parties via Internet auction, or use them as collateral in a pledge.
  • 7. Contact the artist or force a meeting, or request contact or a meeting with the artist through this club or the group of companies.
  • 8. Use of this club for profit-making activities for yourself or other third parties, or preparation activities for this purpose.
  • 9. Use of this club for pre-election activities, election campaigns, or other similar activities that violate the pubic election law.
  • 10. Use of this club for religious activities such as proselytizing or for the founding or activities of a religious organization by recruiting members, etc.
  • 11. In addition to the above, acts that violate the law or public morals or that interfere with the operation of this club.
Article 12 (Leaving, etc.)
    1. If a member does not complete renewal procedures before their membership expiration date, or if they wish to leave the club, leaving procedures will be carried out. 2. In the event of leaving the club, membership dues already paid and service fees, etc. will not be refunded. 3. In the event a member leaves the club with payment obligations from member benefit purchases, etc. still outstanding, leaving does not remove the payment obligation.
Article 13 (Changes in Service Content, etc.)
  • 1. The club may change the membership benefits and other service content without prior notice to members.
  • 2. In the preceding case, the club will notify members after the fact by the methods prescribed in Article 3.
Article 14 (Stopping Service)
  • 1. The club may suspend or cancel all or part of the services provided without notifying members in the event of natural disasters, interruptions in telecommunications services, or other unavoidable reasons
  • 2. The club may suspend or cancel all or part of the services provided without notifying members due to the artist’s circumstances, the club operating status, or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • 3. In the preceding cases, the club will notify members after the fact by the methods prescribed in Article 3.
Article 15 (Dissolution of This Club)
  • This club may be dissolved when it is judged to be too difficult to continue to operate due to the state of the artist’s activities or other reasons.
Article 16 (Handling of Personal Information) Regarding matters concerning the handling of member personal information, the club will follow the separately outlined Privacy Policy, and and the members will also follow it.
Article 17 (Damages) Members shall be responsible for compensation of any damages caused to this company or another third party through the use of this club that are the member's own responsibility.
Article 18 (Disclaimer)
  • 1. If a member suffers damages through the use of this club that the club is responsible for, the member can claim damages through the club. However, the liability assumed by the club to members will not exceed the amount the member has paid to use this club, except when the club has acted in bad faith or been grossly negligent.
  • 2. If a notice with an application deadline has not been seen until after the deadline has passed, the right to apply has been lost, and no inquiries will be accepted after the deadline.
  • 3. If tickets for which a performance date was specified are not received due to being absent when they are delivered and the date of the performance passes, the tickets will become invalid and no refund will be given.
  • 4. We are not responsible for problems when using our service due to natural disasters, interruptions in telecommunications service, computer or internet malfunctions on the member’s end, or other reasons beyond our control.
  • 5. When notified by the methods prescribed in Article 3, the member cannot raise any objection, even if the environment is not one in which the member can receive notification.
  • 6. We are not responsible for any malfunctions or accidents in procedure caused by financial institutions.
    We may issue notifications of performances, etc. at the same time as media other than this fan club, such as the official homepages and email.
  • 7. We may issue notifications of performances, etc. at the same time as media other than this fan club, such as the official homepages and email.
  • 8. When the club ships to members, we notify members via the method that is judged to be best, and at the same time announce the non-arrival acceptance period for shipped items. In the event that a delivery can’t be made, the member must contact us in an appropriate manner within the non-arrival acceptance period. No matter the reason, we will not accept it after this period.
Article 19 (Changes to This Agreement) This club may change, add to, revise, or delete this agreement without prior notification to members. In such an event, the club will notify members according to the method prescribed in Article 3.
Article 20 (Consultation) In the event a disagreement arises regarding items not described in this agreement or interpretation of the agreement, both the member and the club will attempt to solve it in good faith through consultation.
Article 21 (Jurisdiction) In case of litigation arising under these terms between members and the club, the Tokyo District Court's No. 1 Court will have excusive jurisdiction.